Tiny Steps Parent Packs
Working together with parents!
At Tiny Steps Pre-school, we like to work with parents, particularly with difficulties with routine and transitions at home. Many of us as parents struggle with the same things, whether it's not wanting to clean teeth, or go to bed, worries about starting a new pre-school or big school, or positives like beginning to potty train or show an interest in mark making. We offer some of our ideas and experiences through resource filled packs that might help prompt positive changes. These packs are available free to take home for up to a month if needed. We have many more so please ask for more information, below are just a few examples.
Bed time Routine
This pack offers a visual time table, stickers, reward chart and information about bedtime routines as well as 2 lovely stories about bed times.
Starting Preschool/school
This resource offers checklists, stories, parent information, stickers and reward charts to help introduce your children to the idea of school or pre-school.
Mark making pack
For when your child starts showing an interest in making marks, looking at familiar logos around them or asking what things say. This pack has a personalised writing sheet with their name, a first writing practice book, a reward chart and stickers and an information pack for parents with useful hints and tips.